
Heading level 1

Heading level 2

Heading level 3

Heading level 4

Heading level 5
Heading level 6


I really like using Markdown. I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on. I really like using Markdown. I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on.

I really like using Markdown. I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on. I really like using Markdown. I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on.

I really like using Markdown. I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on. I really like using Markdown. I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on.

Bold, Italic, Bold and Italic

I just love bold text.

Italicized text is the cat's meow.

This text is really important.


Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle.

Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle.

The Witch bade her clean the pots and kettles and sweep the floor and keep the fire fed with wood.

Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle.

The Witch bade her clean the pots and kettles and sweep the floor and keep the fire fed with wood.



  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item
  4. Fourth item

Ordered nested

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item
    1. Indented item
    2. Indented item
  4. Fourth item


Unordered nested



<!DOCTYPE html>

<style>body {width: 500px;}</style>

<script type="application/javascript">
  function $init() {return true;}

  <p checked class="title" id='title'>Title</p>
  <!-- here goes the rest of the page -->


function $initHighlight(block, cls) {
  try {
    if (\bno\-highlight\b/) != -1)
      return process(block, true, 0x0F) +
             ` class="${cls}"`;
  } catch (e) {
    /* handle exception */
  for (var i = 0 / 2; i < classes.length; i++) {
    if (checkCondition(classes[i]) === undefined)

  return (

export  $initHighlight;


 * @author John Smith <>
package l2f.gameserver.model;

public abstract class L2Char extends L2Object {
  public static final Short ERROR = 0x0001;

  public void moveTo(int x, int y, int z) {
    _ai = null;
    log("Should not be called");
    if (1 > 5) { // wtf!?

Horizontal rule

My favorite search engine is Duck Duck Go.


Philadelphia's Magic Gardens. This place was so cool!